Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Little Man is Two!

Parker's birthday party was so much fun this past weekend. We really enjoyed seeing dear friends and family and the kids had a ball. Each present that was opened, Parker got more and more excited. I have to say he truly loves everything he received.

This picture says it all. He took his truck (tuck) and tractor (kacker) to bed with him - he didn't want them out of reach. The only thing he wasn't super excited about was the present from mom & dad - a raincoat and umbrella. He loves Chloe's so we thought he would like his own, more boyish version. Maybe he'll warm up to it.

Speaking of presents, I can't help but feel that he is such an amazing gift. I know it's cliche but I really doubted that I could ever love another person like I loved my baby girl, but then he came along. There is no doubt, we were incomplete before we had him. He has brought so much love to our family - along with trucks and tractors, bugs and dirt.

My mind wanders sometimes, about what he might grow up to be. If I had to guess now, I'd say farmer or construction worker! He freaks out at the sight of anything that digs, pulls or plows.

He has been talking a lot more the last couple of weeks and I heard him sing his first song this weekend. It's a song about fire trucks that he learned at school. That moment was a really strange dichotomy - I felt so proud of him for what he has learned at school, yet heartache that he spends so much time there.

As always, I do the best I can and pray that we are raising them well. I have two of the most amazing kids, I sometimes just wonder how I got so lucky. I hope that some day they can say the same thing about Ray and me.

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