Saturday, February 19, 2011

What a Difference...

a couple of weeks makes in February in north Texas! A mere 16 days ago we were buried in snow and ice. Today it was a beautiful 75 degrees! We got a little yard work done while the kids played outside. Both kids got a haircut today. Chloe's is more drastic (see the next post) but Parker's was more badly needed. He hates to have his hair fixed in the morning but not as much as I hate to send him to school looking like a homeless person.

We have new neighbors moving in next door and they have apparently hired an army of contractors (thus all of the cars). Chloe is super excited that they have a little girl. She's 10 but they have had a bunch of fun playing together this evening.

Parker's new "do":

This is what it looked like on 2/4/11:

Before and After

Friday, February 4, 2011


We've been home all week - no school or work due to weather. Freezing rain started around 11:30 Monday night and by Tuesday morning, we had a good 2" of ice. As of yesterday, the roads were finally starting to look passable (though still icy in most spots). Then we got this:

The news said we got 5" and it's still coming down. It's beautiful! Something to remember when we're roasting in July.


Chloe has been riding a bike well enough to shed her training wheels since last summer but she refused to let us take them off. On Sunday Ray finally convinced her to try riding her small princess bike without them and off she went! She has a blast!