Monday, July 23, 2012

The Pool is Open!

Yay! We swam in our pool tonight! Parker and Chloe actually swam yesterday - the water was pretty yucky after the concrete work but they just couldn't wait! Chloe was the first one in! We still need to tile the inside border of the pool and stain the concrete but that's not going to keep us out of the pool!

Here are some of the final construction shots. This is when they were getting ready to bring in concrete.

They brought it in by the wheel barrow. Our pool builder told Ray we'd be surprised at how fast they get it done and he wasn't kidding. 4 wheel barrows made quick work of it!

Finishing it up from inside the pool.

After all of the major construction was done. Note the green mucky water. This is what the kids swam in on Sunday!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

All is Quiet in the Backyard!

The pool is installed, plumbing is connected and yard is back-filled. We're ready for electrical and concrete this week. We also have some beautiful perimeter tile to install around the top of the pool.

Mother Nature was kind and brought us some good rain today. We think she knew our lawn and landscaping was thirsty given our sprinkler system was pretty much destroyed in the back! We are ever so grateful! Ray called someone to come and look at the sprinkler and they have a two-week wait for service :(

We got a little bit of rain last night too and got to enjoy this pretty rainbow over the backyard!

Enjoying the Mess!

The kiddos had so much fun playing in the big sand pile! It was pajama day at school on Friday, hence Chloe's attire. I'm still trying to get her pants back to white!

Heavy Equipment

Silly contractors. They should know better than to leave keys in the Bobcat.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Backyard Adventure - The Big Hole

One main sprinkler line and sprinkler control box 86'd but the hole is ready for the pool! The kids are having a ball playing in the hole and climbing on the bobcat!

The pool comes tomorrow and will be lifted into the hole by a crane. Electrical and plumbing are next, followed by concrete. We should be swimming by this time next week! Who's coming to visit?

Backyard Adventure - In Progress

The hole is being dug as I type. By the end of the day we'll be ready for a pool!

Backyard Adventure - Before

Here's what our back yard looked like yesterday.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Getting Ready for the 4th!

Each night in Omaha provided a little bit of "groundhog day". Hang out with family, kids play, eat good food and then retire outside to light off fireworks. Greg and Ray's perfect night.

Never too old to get excited about "blowing stuff up"

Guess who inherited a love of fireworks?

Happy to spectate and drink lemonade!

Chloe takes after me!