Monday, July 23, 2012

The Pool is Open!

Yay! We swam in our pool tonight! Parker and Chloe actually swam yesterday - the water was pretty yucky after the concrete work but they just couldn't wait! Chloe was the first one in! We still need to tile the inside border of the pool and stain the concrete but that's not going to keep us out of the pool!

Here are some of the final construction shots. This is when they were getting ready to bring in concrete.

They brought it in by the wheel barrow. Our pool builder told Ray we'd be surprised at how fast they get it done and he wasn't kidding. 4 wheel barrows made quick work of it!

Finishing it up from inside the pool.

After all of the major construction was done. Note the green mucky water. This is what the kids swam in on Sunday!

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