Thursday, March 15, 2012

Disney Trip

What an adventure. I'm pretty sure that only basic training is more rigorous than a trip to Disney World. Ray and I had to have walked at least 30 miles over the course of 5 days, many of them with a child in our arms or on our back or shoulders.

In hindsight, waiting to rent strollers until we were IN the parks wore on all of us. We were among many other families with tired, cranky kids and stressed out parents.

We had fun, certainly. Will we do it again? Not likely, at least for a while ;)

Aladdin's magic carpet - one of our favorites!

Stitch picking his nose with Parker's autograph pen. He proceeded to wipe it on Parker's shirt!

Chloe and me in front of some lovely flowers at Epcot.

Just fun!

Our little Sith! He was soooo proud of his face. It took a couple of days to get the paint off of his eyes - he looked a little like Sid Vicious with dark smudged eyeliner.

Kitty princess!

Cool flower birds at Epcot!

Outside of Nemo

Silly boy!

Parker was being sour but Dad and Sissy made him laugh.

Lovin' me up on the Monorail (or monowail as Parker says). Parker told me that every time we were in a vehicle, he was going to give me kisses. Outside of vehicles, kisses are "gross".

Dinner at the aquarium.

Character dinner with Minnie & Mickey (and a dessert buffet - YUM!).

1 comment:

JLH said...

Your trip looked fabulous! At this point in time I think we'll live vicariously through the gibsons =). Been meaning to call and chat, assuming you all survived the tornadoes ok??