Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Super Funny Story

Ray told me this story today via Google chat and I was crying at my desk.

He took the kids to school today and dropped Chloe off first. He then headed to Parker's room. When they got there, Chloe's teacher was on the phone. She said that Chloe wanted her dad to come back to her room so she could tell him something.

He got Parker settled and then went back to Chloe's room. She told him that she noticed as he left her room that his shirt (a polo) was inside out. She noticed it when he left her room because she could see the Gap tag on his back.

This was at least an hour and a half after he put the shirt on. None of us, including our cleaning lady noticed! As soon as he told me the story, I knew what shirt he had on. I was too tired last night to turn it right-side in before I hung it up so I just put it on the hangar as it was.

Men, let that be a lesson to you. Always straighten out your clothes before putting them in the laundry!

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