Monday, June 3, 2013

Where has spring gone?

Parker wrapped up a fun spring season of t-ball on Saturday. We were lucky to be placed on a team with good kids and good parents - many of whom live in the neighborhood so we look forward to keeping in touch with them. Most of the kiddos are younger than Parker but they get along well. 

Parker will move up to coach pitch in the fall so Ray plans to practice with him a lot this summer. We even got him a "real" bat and bat bag (he's all about the accessories).

After the game, we all gathered at the coaches' condo complex for a BBQ. Here are the kiddos enjoying some good food (Coach Philip and his wife Allison are the two adults in the background).


We also had a bit of excitement at the BBQ, and not the good kind. The adults were all busy chatting and didn't notice one boy, who is not a good swimmer struggling in the water. Fortunately Ray was paying attention and jumped in to help. He was quick enough to set down his phone but didn't have time to take anything else out of his pockets. I think his wallet is still drying out. We were just thankful he was watching. They drill this into our heads at the kids' swim lessons and we definitely experienced it in a scary way.
 Here are all of the kiddos after the game. They all got a game ball today - can you tell they're excited? This picture is far better than the team pics. Parker was snarling in both his individual and team pic. Ray was quite unhappy that he "ruined" the picture for the rest of the team. I actually thought it was quite funny. Almost as good as him making that face while getting his picture taken with Santa!

Chloe's dance recital is coming up in a couple of weeks. She's doing two dances: Pom and Hip Hop. We can't wait to see her perform on stage. I survived pictures on Saturday at the studio. It was a madhouse!

Yesterday Chloe and I went for mani/pedis - a belated Mother's Day gift. I'm not sure who was more excited, her or me. It was her first and boy did she get a treat. They did hot stone massages on our legs and massaged our arms and backs! We both got all of that for $50 - and it was really close to our house. I forsee more trips to that place in our future!

Our summertime baby sitter started last week. She's been picking the kids up after school and will have them full-time starting this Friday once the kids are officially out of school. They are already enjoying her and learning things from her - like a cool game called sardines. Grandpa, I'm pretty sure they'll have you playing this the next time you see them!

Ray has been keeping busy at work. He'll be going to Atlanta in a couple of weeks for leadership training. He's also sticking with a new running regimine that he adopted to prepare for a charity 5K in March. Our local infestation of rabbits are also keeping Ray and his red rider very busy, though I try hard not to notice. We also have a couple of nests of purple martins that he's been tending to. Rogue sparrows, take note. The aforementioned red rider is on stand-by should you try to invade.

Work is also keeping me very busy. I've been making weekly trips to Ohio for one of our newest accounts. It's been fun to get involved with another client. The family is tired of my traveling though. I guess it's good I didn't take the job that would have required significantly more travel! I am actually on a plane as I type - a first for me and this blog!!