Monday, January 26, 2009


It's been way too long since I've updated. Sorry to those of you who keep coming back, hoping for an update! If you haven't discovered Facebook yet, you should check it out. You'll understand what (else besides kids, house, work etc....) has been distracting me.

There has been nothing too exciting going on lately. Parker did get a badly needed haircut last weekend but we forgot to take any before pictures and he was so traumatized at the salon that I couldn't go anywhere near him. God bless the women at Pony Tails & Buzzcuts. One of these days Chloe is going to ask to get her ears pierced and we're there!

It might look like Parker likes to do art (which he does) but his favorite thing to do is "rage" on the art stuff. He's at that stage where he likes to take EVERYTHING out of whatever sort of container it's in and put it on the floor. He might even throw a couple things for good measure.

Tonight we received the down comforter I ordered and we had to take it out and fluff it up. It was way too tempting for the kids to ignore so they were the first to snuggle up in it.

Gracie was supposed to be in this one but as you can tell, she's not very good at "stay".

Ray will scold me for the red eye but I'm trying to be quick about this post so no time to correct! These kids are still gorgeous no? They are absolute joy - Parker has actually been sleeping pretty well too (knock on wood). Chloe is so sweet to her brother and he adores her, most of the time anyway. I'm sure it won't be like that forever so I'll relish this time while it is.
Chloe is still in Dance and we got a look at her costume (recital in May). The theme is sailing around the world or something like that and her class's location is Hawaii so she has a cute hula girl outfit. After the recital is over, we're going to go back to gymnastics though as she seemed to like it better. We'd love to get her in some ice skates too!

We booked airline tickets to Portland yesterday! We will go in June to visit Ray's sister Lori and her family. We are so excited to get to spend some time with them and none of us have been to that part of the country. Chloe tells me she wants to stay home with Grandma & Grandpa though as she doesn't want to fly on the airplane. Hopefully she'll change her mind. If you are thinking about traveling anywhere, it seems like now is a good time to buy. We're flying Frontier and our tickets were about $250 which is $100 less than they've been over the last several months!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Children's Museum

Parker enjoyed the children's museum for the first time on 12/30. It was a madhouse but thankfully Grandma Charlotte came along and was a big help. Ray had to work :(

Silly mom left the house without milk or a binky for Parker. I stopped at the grocery store on the way and bought him some binkys but they weren't the right kind and he refused to take it. In fact, he got more mad when I tried to put it in his mouth. I think breaking him of the binky is going to be worse than Chloe. Joy! Both kids had fun - the water was a huge hit (of course). Mom and grandma were worn out!