Saturday, May 24, 2008

Parker is 7 1/2 months old!

Parker is 7 1/2 months old! He's learned to crinkle his nose and it's so cute! He's already got 5 teeth in and 2 more are on their way.

This boy is fascinated by hats. He loves looking under the rim and then trying to grab whatever is on the front of the hat.

Memorial Weekend

I took the kids to the zoo last weekend while Ray was on bike ride. It was a beautiful day and we had fun. It was my first outing with the kids solo so it was a little scary but the kids were good and we managed! We played outiside after we got home and enjoyed the weather some more.

Chloe had gymnastics today - it was crazy sock day. She loves climbing on this white thing (there's always something underneath
they try to avoid).

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A busy week!

Well, Parker is now a member of the BIONIC Race. Not really, but he does have a couple of tiny tubes in his ears!

He went in on Tuesday and had the surgery to hopefully relieve some of the pain in having sooooooo many ear infections!

As for his attitude, its been great. He's been sleeping better and as of tonight, mom introduced him to ZWEEBACK toast. Yep, he loved it!

Chloe is doing great too! She is swimming on Tuesday nights and has gymanstics on Saturday mornings. She loves them both and might I add one of the only girls in swimming that doesn't BAWL when they start the lessons. She loves it.

Dad's racing mountain bikes tomorrow. I'll post it on my blog!